Sunday, July 29, 2007

Post March-Bangalor trip and the urge/desire to save Gaia came stronger than ever. Images of pristine while snow-capped mountain tops turning grey, Gaia repeated pleas of 'There's no more time' - all serve to tell me that action must begin. How? I do not know. But like everything else in the universe, it shows you a way when you ask for it.

I've started my personal quest to reduce the use of plastic bags. And I dun mean jus at grocery shopping days and on particular weeks only. At every single opportunity, I will refuse a plastic bag. I've made a mental calculation - in any given typical 5-day work week, I would have rejected a min of 10 plastic bags. On weekends, it's likely to be the same nbr, given the amount of groceries I purchase for the family. I dun carry one, but 3 shopping recycle bags.

My maid now knows that her mdm is on a quest to reduce plastic bag usuage. It means having less bags for trash though. Groceries shopping with my mom is another story altogether. She'll tsk tsk at my quest and childes me for refusing plastic bags to 'prevent raw food spils'. Just take last night's grocery shopping trip at shing shiong . I must be that rare customer who says
'I dun need a plastic bag' and proceeds to pack groceries into my own bags. The other give away sign is how the packer funbles to pack stuff into my bag - and here's where i have a certain order. heavy hardier non food items at the bottom, followed by lighter more fragile stuff on top. I'd split the bags into meats/heavy stuff and veg/fragile stuff at times. Mommy must have felt damm malu cos mid way thru, she said 'Look, everyone is looking at you already! hahaha! Payback time, mom - for those malu years you put me thru when u begin the bargaining sessions with stall holders at wet markets.

anyway - jus placed my orders for 'I'm not a plastic bag' bag. Ok, i'm a sucker. A bag lovin sucker!

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